Daily Bread Fundraiser

Slalom 2020 Annual Food Drive

Our Revised Goal is $25,000... Let's do this!!

This is the fifth annual year we're participating in Slalom's Food Drive - our largest company-wide charitable event. Given the global outbreak of COVID-19, we are starting the Food Drive early to support our local communities in this time of need.

Impact of COVID-19

Daily Bread in the span of a few weeks adjusted their business model in the face of COVID-19 to support our community through this crisis. The need is greater but the ability to host fundraisers, volunteer efforts, and collect donations has be cancelled.

In order to continue serving the community, they need funds now more than ever so they can continue to replenish their warehouse supplies for distribution. There are thousands of adults, seniors, and children that rely on Daily Bread Food Bank for nourishment and in the face of this crisis they can really use our help.

History of Slalom Food Drive

2020 marks the 8th year of the Annual Food Drive at Slalom, which to date has raised nearly $2 million in donations! It's just one of the many examples of Slalom striving to make an impact in our communities and shape a better future we can all love.

In the face of COVID-19 we have decided to move our May Food Drive earlier to meet our community needs. We encourage our Slalom community to consider the needs of our Toronto community and donate what they are able during this time. Your contributions are much appreciated - every $1 raised is 1 meal. Thank you!

Note: Tax receipts are automatically issued for donations of $10 or more.

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